In order to subscribe your work to the VIDEO PARTY, you need to register first.
Rules for Subscription
Your nationality, occupation, school or company you belong to, whether you are a student, a teacher or a plain working adult, anything regarding your affiliations and social standings will not affect your qualification as an applicant.
Limitation of work length
Within 15 minutes
Requirement for Entry
There is no limitation in contents, technique or genre. The year of production will not affect its entry also. Just for the sake of giving a clue to those who are planning to create a new work from now, we also set “collage” as this years theme. You can either make reference to it in your work, or no reference at all.
Only requirements are that the work is originally created by the applicant, and that the images, sound and any other material used in the work must be free of copyright problems. Basically there will be no examinations for submitted works.
Application fee
No application fees required, but please note that we will not be able to reimburse any money for showing your work either.
Step 1:
Sunday, May 14th, Deadline for Declaration of Participation
Submit your declaration of participation along with informations listed below to by May 14th.
Necessary Information
・Name of the applicant (noms de plume and group names also applicable)
・Information of the applicant (Occupations, affiliations or titles, if any)
・Work title (if any)
・Genre (e.g., animation, drama or experimental, just as a reference)
・Running time (estimation also applicable)
・Year of production
Step 2:
Sunday, June 4st, Deadline for Submitting Work Description
Please submit information describing your work, as listed below, to We will start making publicity materials based on your information.
Necessary Information
・Name of the applicant
・Work title
・Running time
・Screen shots of the work (Resolution; 853×480[640×480] pixels, 72DPI, square pixels, JPEG format)
・Biography(about 100 characters)
・Comments on your work (for announcements)
Step 3:
Sunday, July 9th, Deadline for Submission of Work
Send in your work data in designated format we inform you later on, by July 9th.
Format for Movie Files
For SDs
・Resolution: 720×480(4:3)854×480(16:9)
・Formats: QuickTime of MP4 formats, H.264 (less than 3Mbps) codec
For HDs
・Resorution: 1280×720もしくは1920×1080
・Formats: QuickTime of MP4 formats, H.264 (less than 20Mbps) codec.
Contact Us
update :: 04/01/2017 / Copyright(C) 2017 VIDEO PARTY KYOTO All Rights Reserved.